Conservation is needed now more than ever. You are currently living in the most pivotal time for preserving our natural resources. On this Earth Day, it is critical to reflect and take action on what we are all inseparable of, what we rely on to survive, what gives us life…. our Earth.
The Earth is seeing a rapid decline in our Earth’s biodiversity. It is estimated we are currently experiencing 100 -1000 times the rate of extinction compared to the natural extinction rate. According to the United Nations (UN), since 1970 the global human population has more than doubled (from 3.7 to 7.9 billion). Additionally, the report states, “Since 1970, trends in agricultural production, fish harvest, bioenergy production and harvest of materials have increased in response to population growth and the rising demand in technological development. Many other key indicators of nature’s contributions to people however, such as soil organic carbon and pollinator diversity, have declined, indicating that gains in material contributions are often not sustainable.” So, I ask you this; what happens when we reach the limit of humans that can live on this planet? Do we have alternatives to losing everything we rely on to survive? Earth is our home place; we were born to live on this planet and this planet only. How many of you rely on food to survive? What about using natural materials for your business? When it comes to staying healthy, what gives you the best chance for living a long, fulfilled life? The thing is that we all rely on natural resources everyday to get through our work, satisfy our hunger, transport us from one place to the next, and build structures that we call home. So why do we feel so divided as a nation? What makes us feel like we must decide from one side or the other on political topics such as climate? The climate and conservation movements are not about politics, it is about human survival. This is of high importance to the human population because it affects all of us in a dramatic way. We all rely on our Earth to survive. Each part of our natural world is interconnected and when one piece gets harmed, several negative consequences result. The special part about living on this Earth is that none of us would exist without it. We desperately need all that this planet has to offer. The great thing about our current situation is this; you have the opportunity to make a difference! It is clear that the negative effects on our climate exist. The science is there, and it is a proven fact that over hundreds and thousands of years we have seen negative effects to the living and non-living resources we most desperately need. Even dating back to the Bible, it states that in Jeremiah 2:7, NIV version (God speaking to his people in Israel), “I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.” Christianity according to the Bible values the land and its natural resources. Science, religion, and all the people on Earth have proven that there are negative consequences for our actions in disturbing and disrespecting our land. Now how do we overcome this issue? What we need is leadership! We need each and every one of you to grab hold of your opportunity to make a positive change in our climate, our food system, and for the well-being of our families and friends. You have the opportunity right now to make a change. You can reduce your consumption; being happy and content with what you already possess. You can reuse and recycle the materials that you do purchase to create less harm to our Earth. You have the ability to be the positive example we need to see to turn our world around and help save our planet. As a conservationist and community leader, I write to you and the rest of the Exemplify community to help save our planet! We all have the ability to make a positive change to help enhance the lives of others as well as other living creatures that inhabit this planet. You have the ability to make a difference! You have the opportunity to transform your world! Be the positive example that you wish to see in the world! With authenticity, Carl |
Carl BowdenCarl currently resides in Wichita, KS where he coaches and consults businesses, community groups, and individuals with Exemplify. Archives
February 2024
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