The Mission At Exemplify, our mission is to connect leaders to each other and the outdoors, fostering spaces that restore connection, community, and culture within organizations. Through integrity, accountability, visionary leadership, and service, we empower leaders to align priorities, embrace sustainability, and create positive outcomes by living and leading by example.
The Vision To be a global catalyst for positive change, instilling leadership values, strategies, and sustainable practices that transform businesses, strengthen communities, and inspire leaders to create lasting impact through connection and example.
Audra Dinell Associate Coach Founder and CEO of The Thread [email protected]
Isaac Wambua Associate Coach Founder and CEO of Dynamo Methods [email protected]
Claire Ross Associate Coach Director of Talent Management, Miller Electric Co. [email protected]
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr.